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Friday, February 11, 2011

Some Movies To Watch Over Christmas Season

Thought that I would just do a really quick post here of some good horror movies to watch over the Christmas/New Years season. If you think you are feeling froggy and think you have the stomach check them out.

1. Black Christmas
2. Silent Night Deadly Night
3. Child's Play
4. Don't Open Till Christmas

Fuck off for now, and hope to hell I don't come find you

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Response For Roger

Well Roger you sniveling little twat here you are I am finally starting to update my post. You see Roger I haven't been able to post in quite some time due to the holiday seasons. They are of course my busiest time of year. For with all the hustle and bustle of the holidays it is the easiest time of year for me to snatch up fresh victims like you. Oh and by the way if you ever leave me a message like you did this last time I will make your life a living hell. I will make sure you jump at your own shadow and piss your pants every night any time you hear the smallest of noises. I WILL be keeping an extra special eye on you from now on. See you later Roger.

Fuck off for now, and hope to hell I don't come find you

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Christmas Special

You want a Christmas Special. You should feel special that I didn't come for you silly 13 year old ass of the holidays. You should feel special that I didn't come to your house and make you watch me while I spackled your walls with your mommies red blood. But since you are probably going to be a whine tit about things I will see what I can do. But keep this in mind for next year when you expect a Christmas Special I hear that they have some pretty good ones on T.V.

Fuck off for now, and hope to hell I don't come find you

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Response for Joey

Well Joey number one you ask way to many questions for your own good. If you keep things up like this you will soon be the next blood stain on my walls. But I will entertain your questions and give you a few answers.

1. I live in whatever country/state you do for all you know. So you better watch you ass a little more carefully. Or your ass will belong to me.
2. My age doesn't matter I am old enough to remember more things than I would care to. I have walked through the fiery depths of hell and lived to tell about it. But those stories will be for another time.
3. What I do for a living is scare the holly bejeezus out of little cry baby bastards like you. Then torment, torture, and kill them for my own sick twisted amusement.
4. This question is the only question out of all that you have asked that I really like. All the other questions were a little to tame for my taste. If you are going to ask me more questions I suggests you grow a pair of big boy balls. But to answer your question both are viable forms of entertainment but I would have to say that I have always and will always love moving pictures. I love to see the horrific imagery on screen all the blood and carnage is always great.
5. For your last question which is also a pretty good one. You are probably to young to remember this show but there was a show on in the early part of 1992 called Nightmare Cafe. It ran from January to April 1992 and only had a total of six episodes. You should check it out if you feel you have enough balls.

Fuck off for now, and hope to hell I don't come find you
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Thanks to Anshul